Tree traversal and Types


What's traversal? 


 Traversing is the procedure of travelling a tree node by node, level by level until all nodes have been searched. The term “ level order traversal” relates to the approach for covering breadth-first binary trees. Binary trees are trees with at most two child nodes per node. 

The traversal starts at the root node. Also we proceed to the root node’s child nodes, followed by their child nodes, and so on until all leaf nodes have been researched. 


 How does tree transversal work ?

Threes are a structure where there's one root node and that node gives route to child nodes and each child node can either be ending there or form added sub trees. Now a traversal means that each of the nodes in the tree has to be called and the traversal may get up if one would require to find for illustration, the most or minimum in a tree- based data structure. There are other application cases as well like finding the sum of all fundamentals in the tree transversal python and so on. 


 3 types of traversals that can be applied for a tree data structure. 

In- order Traversal In this approach it's the left node which is seen first and also the base, or the sub node is covered and eventually at the end the rightsub-tree. 


Pre-order Traversal In this approach it's the root node which is visited first and also the left sub-tree is covered and eventually at the end the rightsub-tree. 

Post-order Traversal In this approach the left side is visited first and also the right- side sub-tree is covered and eventually at the knot. 



 In this article, we learned Traversal is a procedure to visit all the bumps of a tree and may publish their values too. Because all nodes are connected via edges ( links) we always start from the root ( head) knot. 


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