Boolean Operators




The operators similar as not, and, or that are used to perform logical operations in Python, with results of the operations involving them being returned in TRUE or FALSE. The not operators have the loftiest precedence, followed by the operators and operators being the smallest in the order of the precedence. The not operators have lower precedence than non-Boolean operators. in Python programming language, the and as well as or driver is known as the short- circuit operators, are also called as Boolean operators.


-variables of type Boolean can have one of the two values either TRUE or FALSE. In Python as a programming language, True and False values are represented as a string without enclosing them in double or single reversed commas, and they always start with the uppercase T and F.


Boolean is a set of commands that can be used in nearly every hunt machine, database, or online roster. The most popular Boolean commands are AND, OR, and NOT. Other commands include hiatuses, truncation, and expressions.


Boolean drivers bear else depending on the data type of the argument

When operating on integer arguments (byte, int, long, etc.), Boolean drivers perform bit-wise operations. That is, each bit in the argument (s) is operated on in turn.


When operating on floating- point arguments (pier, double), Boolean drivers return true or false.


This distinction is particularly important to keep in mind when using the not driver, which in other languages (e.g., Fortran) always returns a true or false result, anyhow of argument type.


The idea of a Boolean driver is that of a function on classes that syntactically combines predicate terms designating classes of objects with particular parcels represented by the predicates as input, and produces as affair a more complex predicate term that has been constructed out of the simpler element terms, involving negation or NOT, confluence, logical addition, or AND, and disjunction, logical addition, or OR.



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