List and Tuple in Python
List in Python A Python list is a assemblage of zero or other elements. An element of the list can exist any data. It can be string, numerical, or a composite of both types. A list in python is like an array in C or Java. Lists are inconsistent-that is, you can vary their content-and they've multiple applicable technical approaches. A Python list is a sequence of many values in an ordered sequence. Unlike Strings, it allows us to store dissimilar types of data similar as integer, float, string, etc. How to access Python List items? Python Lists successively store data ( ordered). So, we can penetrate the fundamentals with the assist of indexes. Also, utilizing indexes, we can penetrate or alter/ revise each item present in it independently. The syntax to access details is ListName ( (IndexNumber)) Tuple in Python Tuple data type in Python is a collection of varied inflexible Python objects dissociated by commas. ...